RACHEL JONES rsj32@drexel.edu / T. 717-425-8135
The Living Cube is a study within the bounds of 8'x8'x8' cube. The study was focused on the concept of scale, use, and experience that is associated with our every day lives. The concept of the final model was to have a space that is very flexible while always emitting a sense of enclosure.

These diagrams were a starting point for this project.

This model is a combination of the sticks, planes, and solids model.

This paraline drawing extracted elements from the first composite model. It shows important hierarchy, repetition, connections and solid/voids within the first composite model.

This model focuses on reinterpreting the first composite model. The focus was to represent the elements that were extracted in the paraline drawings.

These paraline drawings focus on extracting different conditions of rest and movement that were seen in the second composite model. The human figure scale was then applied to get a sense of how this living cube could work.

The concept of the final model was to have a space that is very flexible while always emitting a sense of enclosure. The elements that make the space such as a place to rest or a place to enter rest themselves within the floors or walls of the cube. Instead of initially having the natural boundaries of the cube be broken, I wanted the use of these elements to cause a breaking down of it's surface.

The concept of the final model was to have a space that is very flexible while always emitting a sense of enclosure. The elements that make the space such as a place to rest or a place to enter rest themselves within the floors or walls of the cube. Instead of initially having the natural boundaries of the cube be broken, I wanted the use of these elements to cause a breaking down of it's surface.

The concept of the final model was to have a space that is very flexible while always emitting a sense of enclosure. The elements that make the space such as a place to rest or a place to enter rest themselves within the floors or walls of the cube. Instead of initially having the natural boundaries of the cube be broken, I wanted the use of these elements to cause a breaking down of it's surface.

The concept of the final model was to have a space that is very flexible while always emitting a sense of enclosure. The elements that make the space such as a place to rest or a place to enter rest themselves within the floors or walls of the cube. Instead of initially having the natural boundaries of the cube be broken, I wanted the use of these elements to cause a breaking down of it's surface.