RACHEL JONES rsj32@drexel.edu / T. 717-425-8135

This project all started with a scaled recreation of Mies Van de Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion in Rhino. We were instructed to create a bench that would fit within this marvelous building and was based off the human figure's different forms of rest. The bench that I created with another student was based off the process the human figure took from sitting to lounging. The bench design was constructed in grasshopper then exported as a .dwg file and imported into AutoCAD, from which a laser cutting file was created. The entire model and bench were completed with plexi.
Programs used: Rhino, Grasshopper, AutoCAD 2012

In this image the entire plexi model of the Barcelona Pavilion with the constructed bench were photographed on a light table to give the whole model a ambient glow.

In this image the entire plexi model of the Barcelona Pavilion with the constructed bench were photographed on a light table to give the whole model a ambient glow.